Blue Weed is an annual herb, 0.4-1 m tall, with stems
erect, upper parts branched, lower part green or purplish, striped,
adpressed finely velvet-hairy or nearly hairless. Flower-heads are
borne in branch-end corymbs, often 2 or 3 together in stalkless
cluster. Flower-heads are small, florets up to about 30; pale purplish,
tubular, 1.2-1.5 mm, glandular; petals lanceshaped.
Flower-cluster-stalks is 0-6 mm, densely rusty, finely velvet-hairy.
Base of the flower-head is hemispheric at flowering, pinwheel-shaped in
fruit, up to 2.5 x 5-7 mm; phyllaries 4- or 5-seriate, nearly equal,
ovate or oblong-lanceshaped, about 3 mm, outer and median rusty
velvet-hairy and glandular, inner hairless and glandular. Leaves are
denser, lowermost withered and shed by flowering, median leaves oblong
or oblong-lanceshaped, 5-9 x 1.5-2.5 cm, both surfaces gland-dotted,
lateral veins 7- or 8-paired, above rather prominent, base
wedge-shapedly narrowed into short leaf-stalk, margin almost entire to
distantly coarsely sawtoothed, tip tapering or pointed. Upper leaves
are smaller, shallowly sawtoothed or almost entire. Blue Weed is found
by ponds and rice fields, at altitudes of 600-1400 m, in Africa to
Sinai, Indian Subcontinent to China and Peninsula Malaysia, Taiwan to
Philippines. It is also found in East Himalaya. Flowering: April-May.
Identification credit: Dipankar Borah
Photographed in Monabarie T.E., Sonitpur, Assam.
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