The Blue Waterlily, also known as the Indian Blue Lotus
is a water-lily that is found in India.
The leaves are broadly rounded, 25-40 cm across, with a notch at the leaf
stem. The flowers are 10-15 cm diameter, open in the morning, rising to the
surface of the water, then close and sink at dusk. It has blue petals,
smoothly changing to a pale yellow in the centre of the flower.
There is variety Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea is the sky-blue
colored so-called Egyptian 'lotus'. It is found growing along the Nile.
It was considered extremely significant in Egyptian mythology, since it rose
and fell with the sun. Consequently, due to its colourings, it was identified,
in some beliefs, as having been the original container, in a similar manner to
an egg, of Atum, and in similar beliefs Ra, both solar deities. As such, its
properties form the origin of the lotus variant of the Ogdoad cosmogeny.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Garden of Five Senses, Delhi.
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