Blue Pussyleaf is a softly velvety trailing or erect herb of shaded
locations, often stream-beds of the savanna grasslands in Africa. It is
naturalized in India and many other parts of the tropical world. Stems
are up to 35 cm long, most parts densely covered in soft spreading hairs.
Oppositely arranged leaves are elliptic, with margin entire. Flowers are
borne in cylindrical spikes at the end of branches, with ovate, glandular
and hairy bracts. Flowers are 2-lipped, mauve-blue, purplish or white,
with 5 petals. Capsule are oblong, slightly beaked.
Medicinal uses: It is known as a salt-substitute.The sap of the
leaves is applied topically to guineaworm sores in Ivory Coast-Upper Volta
to kill the causative parasite. Nupe of Northern Nigeria prepare a brew of
the plant for treating smallpox, and in Tanganyika the sap is taken for
diarrhoea and the root in decoction for schistosomiasis.
Identification credit: Prashant Awale
Photographed at Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Maharashtra.
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