Blue Feltwort is a small annual herb with long-stalked blue flowers
appearing in a lax cluster. Flowers have 5 elliptic spreading petals with
small fringed nectaries at the base. Petals are 1.5 cm long, green-veined.
Sepals are 5, narrow-elliptic, unequal, half as long as the flower tube.
Stamens are ovary are blue, projecting out of the flower. Leaves at the
base are elliptic, about 1.5 cm long, often withering at flowering. Stem
leaves are elliptic, smaller, stalkless. The plant has single or several
stems, branching at base, up to 15 cm tall. Blue Feltwort is found in the
Himalayas, from Afghanistan to SW China, at altitudes of 3000-4800 m. Flowering: August-October.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed at Shashtra Tal, Uttarakhand.
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