Blue Barleria is a perennial, erect shrub up to 2 m
tall. Stem is round, sparsely bristly with bulbous-based hairs; inter-
nodes swollen at base. Leaves are elliptic-lanceshaped, 13-29.5 x 5-12
cm, narrowed at base, fringed with hairs at margins, tapering at tip,
sparsely bristly with bulbous-based hairs above, densely so on nerves
beneath; leaf-stalks 1-6 cm long. Leaves are hairy above, dark brown
beneath; lateral veins 7-9 pairs. Flowers are 6-8 cm long, in crowded
cymes at branch-ends. Bracts are elliptic-lanceshaped, 2-5 x 0.5-2 cm,
wedge-shaped at base, fringed with hairs at margins, bristly on veins.
Outer sepals are ovate-lanceshaped, neary equal, 2-3.5 x 1-2 cm,
pointed, inner sepals linear, 1-2 x 0.3-0.4 cm, pointed at tip, bulged
at middle, densely silky-fringed with hairs at margins. Flowers are
bilipped, glandular-finely velvet-hairy outside, blue; tube 3-4 cm
long, widening above, paler than limbs; lobes oblong, 1.5-2.5 x 1-2 cm,
blunt at tip. Stamens are protruding. Capsules are ellipsoid, 1.5-2 x
0.6-0.7 cm, compressed, hairless. Blue Barleria is endemic to Goa,
Karnataka, Maharashtra and Odisha. Flowering: October-March.
Identification credit: Suraj Patil
Photographed in Maharashtra.
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