Black-Bark Persimmon is a small trees up to 4 m tall,
with bark dark grey, fissured, rough. Leaves are alternate, 1-2.5 x
1-1.8 cm, obovate-oblong or spoon-shaped, base wedge-shaped to
narrowed, tip blunt to notched, leathery; leaf-stalk up to 2 mm long.
Flowers arise 1-3 fasicled in leaf-axils, white. Male flower have
sepal-cup pale yellowish, about 2 mm long, cup-shaped, sepals 3, 1-1.5
mm long, triangular-ovate, pointed. Flower tube is 5-6 mm long,
tubular, petals 3, 1-1.5 mm long, oblong-ovate, pointed ; stamens 6,
about 2 mm long. Female flowers are similar to male one; ovary about 2
mm long, spherical, silky-velvet-hairy, stigmas 3. Berry is 5-7 mm
long, nearly spherical, yellow to brownish red. Seeds 1-3, about 4 mm
long, wedge-shaped. Black-Bark Persimmon is native to Tropical Africa,
India to SW Pacific.
Identification credit: Ashutosh Sharma
Photographed in cultivation at FRLHT (TDU) Garden, Bengaluru.
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