Black Cumin
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Black Cumin
P Native Photo: Sajan Thakur
Common name: Black Cumin • Hindi: शाही ज़ीरा Shahi zeera, काला ज़ीरा Kala zeera • Kannada: ಶಹಾಜೀರಿಗೆ Shahajeerige • Marathi: शहाजिरे Shahajire • Urdu: Syah zeera ﺳﻴﺎﻩ ﺯﻳﺮﻩ
Botanical name: Elwendia persica    Family: Apiaceae (Carrot family)
Synonyms: Carum persicum, Bunium persicum, Pimpinella cyminosma

Black Cumin is a herb 15-70 cm tall, branched. Roots are 1-2 cm in diameter. Leaves are 2-3-pinnatisect; segments thread-like; lower leaves stalked; upper stalkless. Involucre of 1-5 linear bracts or lacking. Flowers are borne in umbels. Rays are 8-20, 1-6 cm long, unequal. Involucel of 2-5 narrowly linear bractlets. Flower-stalks 3-4 times longer than the flowers. Petals are white, 1 mm long. Fruit flower-stalks 5-10 mm long, thin. Fruit is oblong, 3-4 mm long, dark brown; ridges prominent. The fruits are aromatic and are highly valued as a spice. Black Cumin is native to Iran to Central Asia and W. Himalaya.

Identification credit: Sajan Thakur, Sunit Singh Photographed in Kishtwar, J&K.

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