Bitter Fleabane is a hairy herb, 15-50 cm tall. Basal
leaves are elliptic to obovate, entire or sawtoothed at margin, 2.5-9.5
x 0.5-1 cm; stem leaves lanceshaped, stalkless above. Flower-heads are
borne in corymbs or panicles. Involucre about 1 cm in diam. Involucral
bracts are in 2-3-series, linear- lanceshaped, 3-6 mm long, glandular
or hairy-velvet-hairy. Ray florets are trimorphic; ligules purplish,
hardly exceeding the tubular florets, 3-5 mm long; female florets
strap-shaped, about 3 mm long; disc florets about 5 mm long. Achenes
are inverted-lanceshaped, about 2 mm long, sparsely velvet-hairy.
Bitter Fleabane is widely distributed in the Temperate Northern
Hemisphere. In India it is found in J&K, Uttarakhand and Himachal
Pradesh, at altitudes of 2400-3200m. Flowering: July-September.
Identification credit: Christian Bravard
Photographed in Ladakh.
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