Berry Campion is a perennial herb with roots white,
long spindle-shaped. Flowers are somewhat looking down. Petals
inverted-lanceshaped, about 15 x 2.5 mm, deeply cut at tip; claw long,
narrow; limb 2-fid. Stamens and styles don't protrude out.
Flower-stalks are hairy. Sepal-cup is broadly bell-shaped, about 1 cm,
sepals ovate-triangular, nearly as long as tube, ciliolate, curled in
fruit. Stems and branches are spreading, 50-150 cm. Leaf-stalks are 3-5
mm, leaves ovate, ovate-lanceshaped, or narrowly elliptic, 1.5-5 x
0.8-2 cm, papery, both surfaces hairy at veins, base narrowed, margin
entire, fringed with hairs, tip tapering. Fruit is a black, spherical
berry, 6-8 mm, fleshy, irregularly splitting. Seeds black, about 1.5
mm. Berry Campion is native to Temperate Eurasia and the Himalaya.
Flowering: June-August.