Arrow Leaf Pondweed
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Arrow Leaf Pondweed
ative Photo: Tabish
Common name: Arrow Leaf Pondweed, arrow-leaf monochoria, hastate-leaf pondweed, monochoria • Hindi: लौंकिया Launkia • Bengali: Nukha • Manipuri: ꯀꯛꯂꯥ Kakla • Nepali: निलो जलुके Nilo Jaluke, दलकच्छु Dalakachchhu
Botanical name: Pontederia hastata    Family: Pontederiaceae (Pickerel weed family)
Synonyms: Monochoria hastata, Monochoria hastifolia, Pontederia vaginalis Blanco

Arrow-leaf Pondweed is an emergent aquatic herb with stems approximately 0.7-1.2 m long. Leaves are basal, arrow-shaped. The inflorescence of 10- 40 flowers is in a dense spike 6-9 cm long. The flowers are 13-16 mm long, purple or whitish. One anther is coloured blue, about 6 mm long, the other 5 anthers are yellow and about 4 mm long. The seed capsule is 7 mm long, and 5-6 mm diameter. This species occurs in India, Sri Lanka and SE Asia, extending to New Guinea and Australia. Arrow-leaf Pondweed is often grown as an ornamental in water gardens, and the entire plant except its roots is eaten in India. Flowering: March-June.
Medicinal uses: Plant is considered alterative, tonic and cooling. Juice of leaves is applied to boils. Rhizomes are powdered with charcoal and used for scurf.

Identification credit: Navendu Pagé Photographed in Imphal, Manipur.

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