Aromatic Swampweed is a marsh dwelling erect herb,
up to 50 cm tall. Stem is well-branched, hairless. Leaves are
opposite, obovate-elliptic to lanceshaped, 1.6-5 x 1.4 cm, wedge-shaped
at base, sawtoothed or rounded toothed at margin, blunt to somewhat
pointed at tip, base densely hairy, 8-pairs, leaf-stalk short. Flowers
are borne in verticullate cymes. Flowers are about 1.2 cm across,
blue, in leaf-axils, 8-10-flowered; bracts obovate, bracteole ovate,
2.1 mm long. Calyx is tubular, bell-shaped, sepals 5,
linear-obovate, 5 mm long, margin fringed with hairs, tip blunt to
somewhat pointed, hairy. Stamens 4, filament linear, 3-7
mm long; anther obovate, 1.1 mm long, mucronate at base. Ovary
oblong-obovate to spherical, 2 mm hairy; 2-loculed; ovules many; style
thread-like, 8.4 mm long, white-fringed with hairs; stigma subulate, 05
mm long, base lobed. Capsules oblong-ellipsoid.
Identification credit: S. Kasim
Photographed in Puzhal, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
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