Andaman Marblewood is a tree up to 25 m tall. Bark
is usually blackish brown in color and flakes are blaze brown.
Branchlets are rounded, yellow-hairy when young. Leaves are simple,
alternate, and distichous. Leaf-stalk is to 0.6-1.1 cm long,
planoconvex in cross section, hairless. Blade is 5-12 x 3-7.5 cm,is
narrow ovate to ovate, tip is pointed to long-pointed with blunt tip,
where base is narrow, margin entire, leathery, hairless, drying brown.
Midrib of the leaf is flat above. Secondary nerves may be 5-8, but not
prominent, lower most pairs close, tertiary nerves are obscure. Flowers
are unisexual, and dioecious. Inflorescence present,where male flowers
in axillary sessile clusters, and are cream in color; where as female
flowers 1-3, are axillary. Fruits are as berries. They are
oblong-ovoid, 2.3 x 3.5 cm large, rugose; calyx is persistent. A fruit
bear 1-seed per cell.
Identification credit: Shrikant Ingalhalikar
Photographed at Anshi, Karnataka.
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