Andaman Crape Myrtle
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Andaman Crape Myrtle
D Native Photo: Joju P. Alappatt
Common name: Andaman Crape Myrtle
Botanical name: Lagerstroemia hypoleuca    Family: Lythraceae (Crape Myrtle family)
Synonyms: Murtughas hypoleuca

Andaman Crape Myrtle is a large deciduous tree with thin whitish bark. Leaves are simple, distichous, nearly opposite, nearly stalkless, elliptic to ovate oblong or lanceshaped, thinly leathery, pale beneath. Flowers are many, showy, borne in large cylindrical or narrowly pyramidal panicles at branch-ends. Sepal tube is funnel shaped, woody, ribbed. Petals are purple or lilac, clawed and crisped. Fruit is woody, capsular, ovoid, dark brown, supported by persistent calyx, splitting in to valves. Seeds are small, many, flat, membranous and winged. Andaman Crape Myrtle is endemic to Andaman Islands. It is the state flower of A & N Islands. Flowering: July-August.

Identification credit: Joju P. Alappatt Photographed in South Andaman.

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