Andaman Ceropegia is a perennial herb with watery
latex. Flowers are purple, 4-12 cm long; bracts 3-4 mm long, hairless;
flower-stalk slender, 0.5-2 cm long, hairless. Flowers are 5-12 cm
long; flower tube 1.5-2 cm long, dilated at base, almost cylindrical,
funnel shaped at throat; petals 3-7 cm long, fused at the tip, twisted,
whip like, purplish, hairy. Sepal-cup is 5-lobed; sepals 5, needle-like,
pointed, 0.5-1 cm long, hairless. Flowers are borne in
leaf-axils, in 3-8-flowered cymes, carried on slender hairless
flower-cluster-stalk 1-2.5 cm long. Leaves are simple,
opposite-decussate, lanceshaped, 5-15 x 1-5 cm, papery, base shallowly
heart-shaped, margins entire, tip pointed to tapering, dark green
above, glaucous beneath, hairless, lateral veins 2-8 pairs. Leaf-stalks
are 0.5-2 cm long, slender, hairless. Andaman Ceropegia is known only
from Andaman Islands. Flowering: November-December.
Identification credit: Aditya Gadkari, Sushant More
Photographed in South Andaman.
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