Alpine Almond is a trees up to 15 m; bark 5-6 mm
thick, smooth, greyish-brown, slightly rough; branchlets puberulus.
Young leaves copper red. Leaves simple, alternate, drooping; stipules
lateral, deciduous; leaf-stalk 5-10 mm, stout, swollen tipped, grooved
above and hairless; blade 8-25 x 5-10 cm, ovate, elliptic-oblong or
ovate-lanceshaped, base oblique, round or pointed, tip pointed or
tapering, margin entire, hairless, glossy, leathery, lateral nerves
7-10 pairs, pinnate, slender, prominent, intercostae netveined,
prominent. Flowers unisexual 22-25 mm across, yellowish-white, solitary
or in stout in leaf-axils fascicles; flower-stalk 1. 5-2 cm long,
deflexed, velvet-hairy; sepals 5, 8 mm long, oblong, velvet-hairy,
overlapping; petals 5, 1 cm long, narrow, hairless, with a scale at the
base; scales linear, as long as petals, sparsely hairy; stamens 5-15;
filaments hairless; connectives broad; ovary 1-celled, woolly, stigmas
5, free, radiating, recurved. Fruit a berry, 5-7 cm across, densely
woolly, dark brown. Alpine Almond is found in South India and Sri
Identification credit: Navendu Pāgé
Photographed in Bisle Ghat, Karnataka.
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