Aizoon Rock Jasmine
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Aizoon Rock Jasmine
B Native Photo: Hilal Ahmad Bhat
Common name: Aizoon Rock Jasmine
Botanical name: Androsace aizoon    Family: Primulaceae (Primrose family)
Synonyms: Primula aizoon, Androsace aizoon var. himalaica

Aizoon Rock Jasmine is a distinctive biennial or annual herb with leaves in rosettes 2.5-8 cm across. Flowering stems are 4 to many, 10-35 cm, sparsely glandular velvet-hairy; umbels are 10-25-flowered. Flowers are pinkish red; petals obovate, about 3.5 mm, tip 2-lobed. Sepal-cup is bell-shaped, about 3.5 mm, parted to middle; sepals ovate, glandular velvet-hairy, fringed with hairs, tip blunt. Flower-stalks are unequal, 0.4-4 cm, sparsely glandular velvet-hairy. Bracts are oblong-lanceshaped, 2.5-4 x 1-1.8 mm, densely glandular velvet-hairy. Leaves are stalkless, spoon-shaped, 15-32 x 4-7 mm, tapering to base, minutely fringed with hairs, margin somewhat cartilaginous, tip almost rounded and with a short sharp point. Aizoon Rock Jasmine is found on rocky and grassy slopes, at altitudes of 2300-3500 m, in the Himalaya and W Tibet. Flowering: June-July.

Identification credit: Chris Chadwell Photographed in Drass, Ladakh.

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