Air yam is found in both Africa and Asia with slight differences between
those found in the two places. It is a large vine 20 ft or more in
length. It produces tubers; however the bulbils which grow at the base of its
leaves are the more important food product. They are about the size of
potatoes (hence the name air potato) weighing from 0.5 to 2 kg.
Some varieties can be eaten raw while some require soaking or boiling for
detoxification before eating. It is not grown much commercially since the
flavor of other yams is preferred by most people. However it is popular in
home vegetable gardens because it produces a crop after only 4 months of
growth and continues for the life of the vine, as long as two years. Also the
bulbils are easy to harvest and cook. Male flowers on pendent inflorescence,
from bracteate (rarely leafy) stems, up to 50 (even 100) cm long; whitish or
pinkish; female flowers on pendent axillary inflorescences. It is found in Western Ghats
and the Himalayas, at altitudes of 150-2100 m.
Identification credit: Pravin Kawale, J.M. Garg
Photographed in and Maharashtra & Himachal Pradesh.
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