Agnes Cassia is a tree, usually more than 10 m tall,
sometimes up to 30 m. Flowers are borne in panicles 6-9 cm long, at
branch-ends on young leafy shoots, composed of 6-10 racemes. The
inflorescence distinguishes it from
Java Cassia, where flowers are borne in
lateralracemes on short side branches. Bracts are broadly
lanceshaped, 5-8 mm. Sepals are broadly lanceshaped, 8-10 mm. Petals
are pink, slightly unequal in size, 3-4.5 × 1.4-2 cm. Stamens are 10,
among them 3 lower antesepalous with filaments 3-3.5 cm, inflated in
middle, 4 of medium size, filaments about 1/2 as long as former, not
inflated at middle, other 3 smaller. Ovary is long, slender, slightly
velvet-hairy. Leaves are compound, 25-40 cm, leaf-stalk 3-6 cm.
Leaflets are 6-10 pairs, elliptic or oblong-elliptic, 5-8 x 2.5-3.3 cm,
both surfaces hairy, base slightly asymmetric, tip shortly tapering.
Pod is cylindrical, 30-50 cm long, about 2 mm broad, with annular
nodes. Seeds are numerous.Agnes Cassia is native to Laos, Thailand,
Vietnam, widely cultivated world over.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Naxalbari, West Bengal.
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